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Matrix Corporate Performance Management Platform – Landing Page
for companies and managers looking for efficiency
Revolutionise the way your company collects, forecasts & reports financial data
What is Matrix CPM?
Matrix Corporate Performance Management is a modern process, analytical, reporting and data consolidating platform and various systems.
Tailored to the needs of companies to forecast and plan sales and costs based on an analysis of market and internal perspectives and to manage the organisation at various levels of the Profit and Loss Account
Transform the Way you Work
Budget, plan, consolidate and report automatically
As a user of Matrix you can:
- Create detailed expense budgets
- Manage & collaborate personnel plans
- Easily run ad hoc analysis
- Run actionable reports
- Leverage self-serve interactive dashboards
Your goals are achievable – and our goal is helping you reach them.
We are always here to support your CPM journey with:
- Online help via chat with Matrix pros
- Guided journey of the key Matrix capabilities
- Easy to follow documentation
- Q&A with our solution experts
Matrix is the top-ranked corporate performance software vendor as rated by Matrix customers.
Corporate Performance Management Platform
Intelligent software enabling efficient and effective data collection and management within a company system, enabling fully-informed decision making...
Reporting & Analytics
Budgeting & Planning
Projects & Scenarios
Cash Flow Forecasting
Data Integration
Data Collection
Transform the Way you Work
Budget, plan, consolidate and report automatically
As a user of Matrix you can:
- Create detailed expense budgets
- Manage & collaborate personnel plans
- Easily run ad hoc analysis
- Run actionable reports
- Leverage self-serve interactive dashboards
Your goals are achievable – and our goal is helping you reach them.
We are always here to support your CPM journey with:
- Online help via chat with Matrix pros
- Guided journey of the key Matrix capabilities
- Easy to follow documentation
- Q&A with our solution experts
Matrix is the top-ranked corporate performance software vendor as rated by Matrix customers.
Matrix for pharma is a proven solution
Intelligent software enabling efficient and effective data collection and management within the company, enabling best informed decision making Matrix provides perfect bridge between history and the future. Perfect data management input and output, not making the same mistake twice
Transform the Way you Work
Budget, plan, consolidate and report automatically
As a user of Matrix you can:
- Create detailed expense budgets
- Manage & collaborate personnel plans
- Easily run ad hoc analysis
- Run actionable reports
- Leverage self-serve interactive dashboards
Your goals are achievable – and our goal is helping you reach them.
We are always here to support your CPM journey with:
- Online help via chat with Matrix pros
- Guided journey of the key Matrix capabilities
- Easy to follow documentation
- Q&A with our solution experts
Matrix is the top-ranked corporate performance software vendor as rated by Matrix customers.
We are a data back-end integrator
We design the data integration processes to combine local with international data, within our data warehouse - which can be presented using Qlik, PowerBI and many more...
What is Matrix CPM?
Matrix Corporate Performance Management is a modern process, analytical, reporting and data consolidating platform and various systems.
Tailored to the needs of companies to forecast and plan sales and costs based on an analysis of market and internal perspectives and to manage the organisation at various levels of the Profit and Loss Account
View Matrix Scenario Analysis Demo
Matrix is a sophisticalted accounting system built over 20 years, which can unify data by integrating local, national and international data sets - ready to connect to analytics platforms
Transform the Way you Work
Budget, plan, consolidate and report automatically
As a user of Matrix you can:
- Create detailed expense budgets
- Manage & collaborate personnel plans
- Easily run ad hoc analysis
- Run actionable reports
- Leverage self-serve interactive dashboards
Your goals are achievable – and our goal is helping you reach them.
We are always here to support your CPM journey with:
- Online help via chat with Matrix pros
- Guided journey of the key Matrix capabilities
- Easy to follow documentation
- Q&A with our solution experts
Matrix is the top-ranked corporate performance software vendor as rated by Matrix customers.
Leading Pharmaceuticals companies are using Matrix CPM
“On behalf of BIOTON S.A. we confirm that as part of our cooperation with Omega Code, we completed the implementation and adaptation of the Matrix system to our business processes.
Matrix, as a platform for strategic and operational reporting, planning and budgeting, and controlling processes support, has successfully addressed the needs of BIOTON S.A.
Benefits of using the Matrix platform in daily operations include:
Support of budgeting and strategic processes
One consistent source of data for the entire organisation”…
“Teva, as one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world, helping 200 million patients every day, maintains the highest standards of corporate governance, and treats this as a critical element of responsible business.
In all areas of our operations we are rigorously adhering to regulations and procedures, including in development of new drugs, promotion activities, and management of the corporate finances.
Ten years ago Teva decided to introduce the Matrix CPM system to our operations in Poland. Matrix is being successfully used across the organisation, and is actively expanded, developed and supported by Omega Code”…
Revolutionise the way your company collects, forecasts & reports financial data
We unify data sources into one data warehouse
We design the data integration processes to combine local with international data, within our data warehouse - which can be presented using Qlik, PowerBI and many more...
Giving you greater insights
Budget, plan, and report faster and more efficiently than ever before. With Matrix, you have the flexibility to deploy our software in a way that makes the most sense for your business
Make better decisions
Imagine how things would change if every decision maker in your organisation, from a divisional sales manager to a C-level executive, was blessed with accurate, complete and timely information to underpin strategic and day-to-day decision-making.
With access to powerful financial planning, budgeting, what-if analytics and forecasting based on reliable real-time data collected from across your organisation, and the marketplace, combined with industry-leading AI-based predictive analytics, there would be no more need for stabbing in the dark resulting in unreliable and stressful gut-driven decisions.
Transform the Way you Work
Budget, plan, consolidate and report automatically
As a user of Matrix you can:
- Create detailed expense budgets
- Manage & collaborate personnel plans
- Easily run ad hoc analysis
- Run actionable reports
- Leverage self-serve interactive dashboards
Your goals are achievable – and our goal is helping you reach them.
We are always here to support your CPM journey with:
- Online help via chat with Matrix pros
- Guided journey of the key Matrix capabilities
- Easy to follow documentation
- Q&A with our solution experts
Matrix is the top-ranked corporate performance software vendor as rated by Matrix customers.
Improve overall performance
Introduce better planning, budgeting, forecasting, reporting and controlling across your functions and departments. Remove financial uncertainty from your operations.
Introduce standardised processes and workflows to enable and streamline collaborative work on budgets and plans.
Automate and remove the headache of laborious, repetitive and error prone work of financial teams around collection, processing and presentation of financial data.
Integrate your systems & data
Combine all disparate sources of data – including internal and external systems, and local files (such as financial models kept in Excel), into a single, comprehensive, timely and accurate source of truth – collected and kept up-to-date by an automated process.
Combine internal and internal real-time and historic data from across your organisation (ERP, HR, sales, manufacturing, finance) and the market (external data subscription required).
Create a dependable basis for all financial decisions (involving sales, costs, budgets and plans) across your organisation.
Transform the Way you Work
Budget, plan, consolidate and report automatically
As a user of Matrix you can:
- Create detailed expense budgets
- Manage & collaborate personnel plans
- Easily run ad hoc analysis
- Run actionable reports
- Leverage self-serve interactive dashboards
Your goals are achievable – and our goal is helping you reach them.
We are always here to support your CPM journey with:
- Online help via chat with Matrix pros
- Guided journey of the key Matrix capabilities
- Easy to follow documentation
- Q&A with our solution experts
Matrix is the top-ranked corporate performance software vendor as rated by Matrix customers.